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Learning style & Jung Typology

Visual Learner 

   I discover that my primary learning style is visual. As a visual learner I can comprehend new information when I can see in person, pictures or graph to illustrate what is beingtought.


   This learning style is a good fit for a career as a Construction Manager because most of the training is more technical than theoric and required job site visits where I can personally see what I'm suppose to learn. Also construction managers implement the use of charts and tables to explain and keep track of information which is a visual style of transmiting information. I'm sure I will take great advantage of this career training. 


   My Jung Typology profile indicate that I’m a global learner and I see the big picture. My focus is expansive. I can work with many numbers of responsibilities and projects at the same time, which is a important skill in my future career. I tend to have a very good entrepreneurial ability. Indicate that I appreciate people, even to the point where I could neglect myself and my own needs for the needs of others. I strongly agree with this profile description. 


 Does my future career compliment with my learning style and assessment? Yes, 100%. The trainning for this career required lot of visual attention, and my personality fits right in to the type of personality and skills necesary to be succesful in this career. I'm in the J's group, so I like to meet deadlines and get active right away to get things done which may be a great advantage for me in this career. So, This career is yealing Succes!!, Succes!! from everywhere. 

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